Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dear Prader Willi

So I (Andrew) have come to the realization that I have become flabby. Mostly physically and mentally. My body has more wrinkles and creases and my brain now has fewer. I feel the need for public humiliation and a deep humbling. Very much the same and very much the exact oppisite of Tiger Woods. Therefore I will post both a picture of my half n*ked body and a CT scan of my brain. For the 1 or 2 of you that few this blog, the guantlet has been thrown down. Do/say/blog your worst about my pear-shaped body and my genuinely low amount of brain activity. I will keep you updated on my quest to a better me. I challange both of you to do the same.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Michael William Ellis

I saw a vein in my forearm the other day. Victory.

Anyways, Ima be doing a Triathlon. Triathlon sprint probably.

Just thought I'd let you know even though I had completely forgot about this blog until about a day ago. I've also sworn off sugar for two weeks. I've gone through some withdrawals.